Wednesday, September 22, 2010


A move. A mostly-energetic six-year old sleeping on the couch with Spongebob Squarepants squeaking in the background. Jobs gained, jobs lost. Money flitting in and out, admittedly too much spent on sugar and flour, coconut, walnuts. Turning 27 (can one still say they are in their mid 20’s at 27? I don’t think so…) with a bright birthday bash, ridiculous and adorable decorations and terrible terrible jello shots. Smooth sharpness of Herkimer beans fresh ground, poured into stout glasses with ice and a splash of cream. Skewering shrimp and plating salmon mousse and serving with an amazing team of some of the most generous women I have ever known. Bright hopeful new car two days later destroyed, husband- thankfully- walking away unscathed. Surfacing every so often for air in the days upon days of numbing cubicle dreariness, running to Bothell and thinking, ‘oh, this is where I am most myself’. Pouring my best damn latte art yet and being unsatisfied as I can be better, I want to be better, and pushing myself to grow.

This year will be better than the last. There is change coming and I am thankful for the shift.
